Caravan Experiment Newsletter #9
Hey everybody!
9 weeks down and 7 more to go. I’m feeling… coiled. Approximately 5 work days to go before we’re feature complete for the demo.
Thanks for reading, and please continue to reply with comments and suggestions or just give me a call. I’d love to hear from all of you.
Call to Action: Join the Playtesting Discord Server
The alpha build of the demo (Windows and Mac) will be available to play on April 22nd. There will be bugs. And worse, there will be gameplay that while technically correct, doesn’t make sense and you won’t know what to click and I’ll have to tell you that you need to drag the item instead of clicking it and that I’m sorry. I’m hoping those of you who are feeling strong-willed and game-literate will join me on the front lines to iron out the wrinkles.
Debugging will require hands-on collaboration so I’ve set up a Discord server here: In the coming weeks I’ll be posting all the relevant set-up and debugging info there. Stay tuned.
In May (exact date TBD) there will be a (hopefully) stable demo release for everyone with a feedback form.
Design Notes: Nothing!
No time, but here’s a giant gif: