Caravan Experiment Newsletter #13
Hey everybody!
13 weeks down and 3 more to go. I’m feeling… consterned. There’s been much consternation this week.
Thanks for reading, and please continue to reply with comments and suggestions or just give me a call. I’d love to hear from all of you.
Design Notes: Snag
I spent my week working on my Monday task. I suppose I have to count myself lucky for getting this far without any major roadblocks or miscalculations, but this week was a doozy. Ultimately I uncovered a few bugs with a Unity-sanctioned code library that handles certain text functionality. When using a new library its not uncommon to find yourself on the edge of madness due to unexpected behavior (depending probably a lot on whether you’re the type to read the manual first; I, personally, got shit to do) but vastly more often than not the issues turn out to be user error (i.e. you didn’t read the manual) after all teeth have been gnashed. Once in a blue moon however, as was the case this week, you find a real bug and are honor-bound to report it. Sadly I was informed today by the author that the bug had already been fixed in an as-yet-unreleased preview branch. Oh well… I guess I learned some crap about fonts?
On a positive note I did spend a few minutes implementing the “Space Mutiny” random name generator, which means your team is now going to sound 100% more like the IMDB page for The Expendables 4: